CITROËN SM International 2024 Älmhult and Växjö, Sweden. May 17-20.

26 februari, 2024

We invite all SM friends to join us over Pentecost in Älmhult and Växjö in the region of Småland. Two global celebrities were born in this region within a distance of a few miles and about two hundred years: Carl Linnaeus , the great botanist and 18th century scientist, and Ingvar Kamprad, founder of Ikea.

This is where Ikea started its existence and still has its main office. This will be a meeting in the spirit of Ikea, meaning that we hope it will give good value at a sensible price. The Ikea hotel in Älmhult offers identical rooms whether you
choose single or double, not luxurious but practical and all with one very comfortable wide bed.

There are several areas in the hotel where friends can gather in groups. Dogs are allowed in the hotel but not in the various restaurants, so arrangements for guarding dogs during the meals may entail extra cost. A big parking space lies next to the hotel where there will be a separate section for our cars.

After arriving on Friday afternoon we spend our first evening together and will then use the following days to make a couple of excursions in our cars: Saturday for a “moose safari” which is very popular in this part of Sweden and on Sunday we will head to Huseby Bruk, where we visit the old ironworks and manor where it seems as if time has stood still for a hundred years. We will have dinner at the restaurant of the IKEA hotel on Friday and Saturday.

After lunch at Huseby we drive to nearby Växjö where we spend the night at Elite Hotel and where the gala dinner will be held.

On Monday morning those of you who don’ t need to travel back right away can take part in a visit to Rydaholm where one of Sweden’s finest coachbuilders Magnus Ahlquist invites us to see his workshop and collection as well as a charming car and toy museum started by his father in the same village.

A more detailed program and a roadbook will be issued before the meeting.

The cost of joining will be Sek 11 800:- for two persons and for one person it will be Sek 6 800:- This will cover the three hotel nights as well as meals with accompanying drinks and entry fees during the meeting. If you cannot join in the
Monday excursion and lunch, the cost for two is 10 900:- and for one person to 6 350:-

If you want to contact us, send a mail to Lars Frykholm at or
to Jonas Areskoug at

The members of the board of SM Suède hope to meet many of you in May!

Below the entry form with payment details;